Gloria from Channel 4 News came down to the studio to kick off Denver Arts Week. It was a joy having her and the crew in the studio! In case you missed it, check it out!

We made this table 8 years ago and here it sits in our home, lit up by the fall afternoon sun.

Glass table

Glass table



Are you looking for a one-of-a-kind gift for your friends and family?

These beautiful glass ornaments are hand crafted and signed by the artist, Kit Karbler. [/one_half]

We got a call one day from a young man from The Art Institute of Colorado asking if he would film us for a class project.  We said yes because we have always enjoyed other perspectives of our work and the studio.

Anthony Ngo was very pleasant and professional.  He came down to the studio with his assistant and proceeded to take hours worth of film.  The final result is this 90 second video with a very beautiful take on a day in the life of Blake Street Glass.

We are blown away by this video and think you will be too.

You can view more of Anthony Ngo’s work on Vimeo and at

Kit, Dmitri with Nancy Pelosi“Thank you for this (award).  And when you visit me in whatever office in the capitol, you will see it displayed with great pride.”  ~Nancy Pelosi

We have been involved with Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) since their inception and they asked us to make a glass award honoring Nancy Pelosi for her efforts in finding a cure for AIDS and a vaccine for HIV.

The award was presented in front of an intimate group of people at First United Methodist Church of Boulder.  Pelosi is a dynamic speaker who is quick on her feet.  She is very personable and very real.  It was an honor to be a part of this special moment!

To learn more about BCAP, visit  



Kit taking the red-eye

After weeks of planning and glass-blowing,  Kit Karbler and Michael Worsollo set off on their journey to the Bonita Springs Art Festival. In addition to all the logistical challenges that go into shipping the pieces, these trips often require them to take grueling “red-eye” flights. Read more

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for another successful open house for the Children’s Hospital of Denver. It has been a pleasure spending time with you over the past few weeks and we appreciate your support.

None of this would have been possible without you and you have made a difference in the lives of so many children. Read more

The holiday season gives us a chance to reflect on our values and relationships.

John F. Kennedy once said, “children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” Our tradition of giving part of our proceeds of our hand-blown Christmas Ornaments to Children’s Hospital is only possible because of you. Read more

The studio glass movement began in 1962 when a ceramics professor, a chemist and engineer started experimenting with melting glass in a small furnace and creating blown glass art. This approach to glassblowing blossomed into a worldwide movement, producing such flamboyant and prolific artists as Kit Karbler, the proprietor of Blake Street Glass Studio in Denver. Karbler studied art at Ohio University and UCLA, before becoming a renowned modern glass artist.

“The primary purpose of my work is not to hold objects but to hold your imagination and light,” Karbler said as he moved through his action packed, glowing hot glass studio. Artisans twirled red hot dabs on the end of their blowing rods in an intricate dance of collaborative art making. Read more

Denver’s art scene is as vibrant as it has ever been. For those of you who are new to town, here are the various art districts for you to check out this Friday

We encourage you to celebrate our art and culture during Denver Arts Week from November 2-10, 2012.

If glass is your thing, come join us for an evening of glass-blowing and celebration this Friday at 3433 Blake Street in the RiNo Art District.